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Manage Payments

Manage payments processing for DMS


The Payment APIs enable partners to obtain payment data from a request initiated by the DMS. The partner can process the payment and then update the most recent status of the payment back to the DMS.

Availability: Autoline, Autoline Drive

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Provides endpoints to:

  • Get payment details
  • Update payment status


Save time and effort in payment processing and reconciliation

The APIs enable a partner to retrieve payment details to process a payment and when a status update is made back to the DMS, the transaction is updated and automatically reconciled reducing time and effort spent manually updating the DMS accounting system. To enable the Payments Product, there is a pre-requisite to complete basic configuration in the DMS to enable automated account reconciliation.


Partner Payments

The Partner Payment APIs enables any consuming app or website to handle a payment request and enter or amend the payment details in the DMS accounts module.

Integrating the Payment APIs

All payments are initiated from the DMS or Keyloop application and a notification of a payment request is sent to any subscribed partner. On receiving the request, the GET Payment details API can be called to retrieve all the associated data to enable the partner to process the payment. After the payment is processed, our partners can update the payment status back to Keyloop using the UPDATE payment status API.

Keyloop Payment Manager

The dealer is able to view and track all payment requests along with the status updates of the transaction in real time ensuring funds are cleared before releasing any vehicle or goods to the consumer.

Payment Events

There will be three kinds of events that would sent by Keyloop to Partner.

  1. testEvent - This would be sent out by Keyloop system to Partner system to validate credentials and establish connection.
  2. epayment.initiated - This would be sent out whenever dealer wants to request a payment from DMS.
  3. epayment.cancelled - This would help dealer in cancelling transaction (from Keyloop dashboard) in case dealer wants to take payment via other means (e.g., cash).
  4. epayment.updated - This is sent when the dealer updates the customer's information (name, email, phone) using the 'resend notification' option from the Payment Management dashboard, ensuring that customers receive payment information without fail.

What does Keyloop need from our partner?

Keyloop would need the following information from our partner in order to receive notifications from Keyloop System. The Keyloop system would use the authentication parameters provided by the partner to retrieve an access token. This token would then be included in the notification request to the partner system to verify that the request came from a valid user.

  1. Webhook URL to receive notifications from Keyloop System
  2. AUTH0 Authentication URL
    1. Client Id
    2. Client Secret
    3. Audience
Note: Partner has to configure OAuth grant type as “client_credentials”

What would Keyloop provide to our partner?

Keyloop would supply the following authentication information to access Payment APIs. The partner can use these details to obtain an access token, which must be supplied when calling Keyloop Payment APIs.

  1. Authentication URL
  2. Client Id
  3. Secret
The Enterprise Id (Dealer), Store Id (Location) and Payment Id (Unique Guid) in the notification will be used by Partners to call Keyloop's Partner Payment APIs (Get payment Details and Update Payment Status). Learn more about event subscription and notification here: Event Subscription and Notification