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Find Vehicle Inventory

Retrieve inventory information on stock vehicles.


Find Vehicle Inventory enables the user to search for vehicle inventory stock, technical data and owner details in the backend DMS. This is created via the application with seamless integration, accurate data and time savings by not searching across multiple systems or large, out of date extract reports.

Availability: Aswin, Autoline, Autoline Drive (coming soon), Automaster, Contact, DRACAR+, Eva, WinDrakkar

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Provides endpoints to:

  • Retrieve vehicle inventory stock, technical data and owner details


Save time and effort to search for inventory vehicles

Instant search for existing inventory vehicles in dealership DMS stock.

Time efficiencies gained from not searching across multiple systems or large extract reports that may be inaccurate.


Vehicle Sales

This product can be used by partners using vehicle inventory management or sales solutions to search the DMS inventory stock and information.