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Order Parts

Place orders direct and cut out manual price, availability and progress checks.


Orders are created directly in the dealer's DMS, and the ordering process includes discounted pricing specific to the customer, real-time availability, supersessions and alternatives data, and per-line statuses on orders in progress.

Availability: Autoline, Aswin, DRACAR+, Drive, EVA, WinDrakkar and Automaster (coming soon)

Not available where you need it? Let us know

Provides endpoints to:

  • search for a part
  • get part details
  • pricing and availability
  • place an order
  • get order details


Parts Availability and Pricing

Check a dealer's stock for a part and retrieve the price list, the customer's discounted price, any surcharge, and how many are available. Availability and pricing are returned for a single part, or if your app has a 'basket' for orders, then you can request pricing and availability for multiple parts.


If your customer has an account with a dealer, they can place an order. The order is created in the DMS, and the parts are automatically flagged for picking or being ordered in.

Checking Progress

Instead of calling the dealer to query the progress on an order, your customer can retrieve it and check the status of each parts line. Depending on the dealer's process, they will be able to see which parts have been picked, on back order, or invoiced.


Trade Parts Sales

If you provide services to the automotive repair industry, Order Parts will allow your customers to access pricing and availability from dealer's DMSes, and place orders for parts without having to call the dealer to place the order, or check its progress.


If your customers buy directly from dealers, you can offer them direct access to dealer's latest pricing and availability, plus the ability to place orders withouth having to call the dealer to place or check progress on the order.


GET Parts
GET Part Details
  • Your appGET /parts/{partId}
  • KeyloopGet part details
  • Your appShow part's description, price, weight, etc.
GET Pricing & Availability
POST Parts Order
  • Your appPOST /parts-orders
  • KeyloopValidate mandatory fields, and send order to DMS
  • Your appShow new partsOrderId and the order details